The Trauma Informed Project

Our mission is to provide comprehensive support through mental health, medical, financial assistance, and community connection.
Restoring Wholeness.

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About uS

Who are we

Our vision

The Trauma Informed Project is a dedicated non-profit organization that responds swiftly to crises and advocates for those impacted by trauma. Our holistic approach addresses the needs of humans, animals, and the environment, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.

We envision a world where trauma’s negative impacts are mitigated through education, support, and advocacy. By fostering a trauma-informed society, we aim to reduce the impact of trauma and create a safer more connected world.

What We Do

Immediate Crisis Response

We provide urgent support to individuals and communities in crisis, ensuring they receive the necessary aid and intervention promptly.

Direct Advocacy

We advocate for policies and practices that recognize and address the impact of trauma on humans, animals, and the planet.

Comprehensive Support

Our services include mental health care, medical assistance, financial aid, and community building. We connect those in need with essential resources and support networks.


We partner with other non-profits and community organizations to amplify our impact and ensure a broad reach of our services.

Who We support

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Those struggling with medical and mental health issues receive tailored support to help them recover and thrive.


We advocate for and assist animals affected by trauma, providing necessary care and rehabilitation.

The planet

Environmental trauma is addressed through advocacy and action, promoting sustainability and healing for our planet

Our Values

Our values guide everything we do




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Join Us

Together, we can create a resilient and compassionate world.

Your support helps us make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by trauma. Whether through donations, volunteering, or partnership, your involvement is crucial to our mission.

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